Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Our adventure begins...TODAY!

While planning this trip, I decided I didn't want to take a hair dryer with me on the trip, so an easy, wash-and-go solution is a permanent wave.  So I went into the salon and told the gal I wanted a permanent WAVE.  An hour later, the rollers are out and I look in the mirror....and see Shirley Temple or Little Orphan Annie... no, not that cute, more like Bozo the Clown!  What the heck?  She can tell I'm shocked, and says, "It will relax in a week or so."  Okay.  It's now been 4 weeks...it's not relaxing.  Arne says he is getting used to it, and it IS very easy...and when I cut it, you can't tell if I screw up.  Okay, I'm trying to put a positive spin on it.  If I could lose the facial wrinkles, I would look like I did back in the 80's!  Ahhhh.  As my mother used to say -- This too shall pass.

Well, the big day has finally arrived.  Refrigerator is cleaned out, garbage is out, house/cat sitting arranged (thank you brother Jeff and Carole and Larry), we are packed with bags at the door, passports in our pockets.

Yep, we are ready to go!  Only have 3.5 more hours before we head to the airport....this is our M.O.  :-)


  1. Have a great time! I can't wait to read about it!

  2. Have a wonderful trip - post lots of pictures!
